Mit dieser Glückskette ist das Glück immer in greifbarer Nähe. Hänge dir den schönen Kleeblattanhänger um den Hals und verpasse keine Gelegenheit mehr, das Glück zu nutzen! Verleihe jedem Outfit einen Hauch von Glück und sei auf alles vorbereitet, was das Leben dir bieten wird.
- Halskette mit Kleeblattanhänger — 14-karätig vergoldet oder versilbert — Langlebig gefertigt — Länge: 16" + 2" Verlängerungsstück — Anhängergröße: 1,1 cm
Who wants to wait for their order? We defs don't! We aim to fulfill orders within 24-48 hours (unless it's a custom piece). We ship your order with the most reliable carriers to get them to you in the quickest time possible.
All of our pieces are lead free, nickel free and hypoallergenic making them perfect for sensitive skin. Our co-founder Britt has sensitive skin herself and made sure to create pieces that she could wear and be able to share with YOU! <3
All orders include a FREE reusable Evry Jewels pouch that you can use to store your jewelry, cards and/or money. PLUS, you'll get free cute stickers that you can put on your phone, laptop, mirror... anything!
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